Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blogger Guest Blog: Amber from Must and Lust for Books

Amber is the amazing lady behind the blog Must and Lust for Books, which you can find here. Here she is telling us something she wishes she knew when she was sixteen.


Well, when I was a month from turning 16, I got a job at a local mcdonalds. Me, being the naive teenager I was, I felt that my paychecks weren't anymore more than money for me to go blow on anything and everything.. I would buy stupid things, that really weren't anything, and wasted alot of my money. I wish now, that I could have saved all that and been able to buy more expensive things now. I have tried to be better with buying alot of things that I don't need. I have come to realize, I do need my books, so I save my money for that :)


Thanks Amber!


1 comment:

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

I love Amber's blog (and of course highfive for being named Amber.) This is very true, I wish I would have saved like mad.
