About Me

Hey everyone!  Since you're reading my blog, maybe you'd like to know a little bit about the person behind it. :)

My name in real life isn't Hope, it is Anna.  When I first started this blog, I ran everything under the name of Hope, though I don't feel the need to do this anymore.  I love reading and I've been an avid reader for a very long time.  You already know the things I like to read and such, so why not just skip this whole part of the conversation.

I'm currently twenty-one.  I play the piano, I took lessons for eight years, though stopped once I started college.

I graduated high school on June 3, 2011.  I will be attending college starting in the fall to study secondary education with a major in math and a minor in history.  I am in the winter semester of my fourth year of college.  I have about two years left to go still!

I love Mountain Dew.  I've been told the stuff must run through my veins by now.  My favorite color is bright orange.  My second favorite is pink (I know, typical girl, right?). I love sticky notes and planners, they rule my life sometimes.

I was involved in Key Club and National Honor Society at my high school.  I was also involved in Student Government, and I was the secretary for my grade.  I was dually enrolled student, which meant I took college classes at the local community college while still in high school. I wentinto my freshman year of college with forty-three credits already done.

I also have a brother, Marc, who just turned eighteen on June 10.

I have been dating a lovely guy for almost five years now!  We met my senior year of high school.  I was seventeen, and he was twenty-four! We have been together ever since. :)

And that's about it with me.  If you have any questions about me personally feel free to comment, and I'll add a little question thing below. :)
