Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blogger Guest Blog: Sophie from Mrs. Magoo Reads

Sophie is the mastermind behind Mrs. Magoo Reads, which just celebrated her blog's second anniversary! Whoo, Sophie! =) Here she is telling us what she wishes her sixteenth birthday will be like.


Although I have no doubt that my real sixteenth birthday will by no means be ridiculously extravagant, in my imagination I can make it incredibly dramatic, right? My friends and family will of course be there, and let's add to the attendee list a number of celebrities. Of these, the singers will provide the night's music and the actors can offer any other entertainment.

Set in an enormous building, the party shall be centered in one room but can span several floors, meaning a type of treasure hunt (maybe the cake as the ultimate prize?) will take place. There will be no short supply of food and drinks.

I suppose the party will be like any other amazing Sweet Sixteen (again, this is only my imagination :P), and by the time every one leaves, it will be a night to remember!


Thanks, Sophie!



Mrs. Magoo said...

Happy birthday, Hope!!! Although I'm afraid my guest blog didn't quite compare to some of your other visitors :)

The Obsessive Reader said...

Happy Birthday Hope! Would their be dancing and if so would there be a disco ball? What celebrities and bands? I would want to do something extreme like jump out of a plane or go on a road trip with my friends or maybe even jump on a bands touring bus and just go from band to band that would be really awesome. Though this is all things that would be my dream of a sixteenth birthday party.