Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cover Craziness (12)

So I kinda forgot about Cover Craziness for a while! BUT IT IS BACK. =)

... because we all know we judge books by their cover. (Even if you don't admit it).

Book Number One: Wings by Aprilynne Pike
Why?: The cover on this is GORGEOUS. It's so pretty and calm and I like it. =)

Book Number Two: Gone - Lisa McMann
Why?: This cover was just released, but I love it all the same. It keeps on track with the other two books in the trilogy and it's just so PRETTY. *sigh* I could look at this forever. =)

Book Number Three: LA Candy by Lauren Conrad
Why?: Yes, it's Lauren Conrad. But, admit it, it has a GORGEOUS cover.



Emily Ruth said...

I actually don't really like the cover of l.a.
I DO like wings and GONE though :) But I can't help but be annoyed the title is the same as michael grant's GONE

Angela said...

I do often judge a book by it's cover. In fact the cover is often enough to make me read the book, even if I've never read the description of what the book is about.

I think I like the 3rd cover the best.

Laina said...

You should do Hush Hush. I love that cover so much, it's gorgeous.