The Rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Who knew so many people liked the blog? I was nominated by The Story Siren, Book Chic, and Kayla from Midnight Twilight's Book Blog. Thanks so much, guys. :D
So, it's going to be hard picking blogs that other people haven't already, so some might overlap.
-->Teen Troves: Teen Troves was one of the first young adult book blogs I started reading, and it is just absolutely wonderful. :D
-->Reviewer X: Do I even have to explain myself? Steph (and her blog) are amazing. :D
-->Shooting Stars Mag: What I like most about this blog is that it's not just books. It's also music, and I love the things they post about music.
-->Read, Read, Read: Chelsie is amazing and I love the way she sets up her reviews.
-->The Page Flipper: Where can I even begin to talk about Chelsea? There's so much I could say. When I first started blogging, she was nice to me and was my Blog Buddy. haha. She helped me when I had trouble with Blogger, and we would always chat about what books we were reading at the time, and all sorts of stuff. She's really nice and her reviews are pretty dang awesome.
-->The Ravenous Reader: Ambeen's blog is amazing, and when she said she was going to stop blogging I pretty much had a heart attack! Thank goodness she came back. :D
-->The Book Muncher: The Book Muncher is always reading and reviewing books that look good but I've never seen before - which is a good thing. And her link round-up at the beginning of every month is pretty much awesome.
Two other people that I wanted to add to my list but who were already nominated and made the post were Book Chic and The Story Siren. Their blogs are amazing also, and if you don't read them already, you should start. :D
Wow Hope! Thanks! We're honored you nominated us!!!!!!!!
Thanks for nominating me! I was seeing all these nominations around the blogsphere and thought I might not get any myself. :P
Ambeen- I nominated you last night! lol
But I do understand your feelings- I was beginning to wonder the same thing until Book Muncher nom'd me.
Hope- Thanks for the mention! :)
Also, I didn't care about overlapping. If they already did it, then they don't need to re-do it. But if I like their blog, I'll put it down.
AW, thanks Hope. I'm so glad you like the blog...I never know, so it's cool to hear. :) Glad you like the non-book stuff as well!!!
And I love all the blogs you mentioned as well. So many great ones. :)
Congratulations on being nominated!! Your blog is fantastic and the youtube channel is a great channel. I'll be sure to check it out soon!
Oh and thank you for the comment on the book review for If I Had a Wicked Stepmother Where's My Prince? I really liked the cover also!
Aw, Hope! Thank youuu. You made my day. :)
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